Kyla's Awesome Blog!!


My Hero!


My Mom!
People look up to heroes because they are kind which makes them a role model. It’s important to have role models because it gives people someone to make their lives better. My role model is my mom, Melissa McNeely. She is nice, generous, and just a great mom.
My mom is nice because she lets my friends sleep over at our house. There was this one time when she let seven girls spend the night at one time, and that will never happen again. It was a disaster. She also watches movies with me. We like to watch bullying movies and Lifetime movies.
Generosity is another trait that my mom has. She buys things for me and my friends. This one time my mom, Savannah, and I were all at Dillard’s and my mom bought us a shirt. She also buys me food when I am hungry. She will go take me to a fast food place and get me something. After gym she sometimes will take me to get food.
My mom is a very great mom! She takes care of my family. She will cook for us, sometimes, and cleans the house. She is really a good cook. She also will bring me things to school when I forget them. This one time I forgot my poster in her van, and she brought it to me. If I get scared she will let me sleep with her. I used to wake up in the middle of the night, and she would let me come and get in the bed with her.
This is why my mom is my hero; she’s a really good mom and goes above and beyond!

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